How to Be an LGBTQ Ally
A true LGBTQ ally supports equal civil rights, gender equality, social movements, and challenges homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia. To support your position as an ally, we’re dispelling common myths about the LGBTQ community.
Wheels of Change Homeless Employment Program Expands
The Alpha Project and the Lucky Duck Foundation Announce the Expansion of the “Wheels of Change” Homeless Employment Program. The program employs Bridge Shelter residents who clean up City streets while also doing homeless outreach.
Mental Health and Homelessness: Connecting People to Services

People with poor mental health are more susceptible to the main factors that can lead to homelessness: poverty, isolation from family and community, and personal vulnerability.
Caring for Ebony – A Homeless Animals Story
In this second installment about Helen Woodward Animal Centers’ Pets Without Walls program, a program staff member shares the story of Claire and Ebony and their incredible bond.
5 Unique Challenges Homeless Women Face
We recognize the achievements of our mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, and friends and honor the homeless women in our communities. Here are 5 challenges that affect homeless women and tangible ways you can help.
Welcome to our New Executive Director
Help us welcome Drew Moser as the Foundation’s new Executive Director. Moser will implement and expand LDF’s primary areas of focus to help San Diego County’s homeless.
Tuesday Group and LDF Applaud the City’s Use of Golden Hall to Shelter the Homeless

The Mayor’s decision means that Golden Hall will now serve a critical purpose in providing shelter for the homeless women and children displaced from the temporary closure of Father Joe’s Villages bridge shelter.
14 Community Acts of Kindness Guaranteed to Spread Happiness
Every day can be Random Acts of Kindness Day if you choose to make it so. If you’re short on inspiration, peruse our list of 14 community acts of kindness and make a choice to be the light.
3 Ways to Serve San Diego’s Homeless Community

The new year is a great time to set intentions for the year. For those who look to receive through giving, we’ve collected a list of 3 simple ideas for you to help make a positive impact in lifting the dignity of San Diego’s homeless community. …
Packed with Care
Written By Erin Meanley Glenny – Published by SAN DIEGO MAGAZINE. Inside Lucky Duck Foundation’s efforts to distribute backpacks for the homeless. When Pat and Stephanie Kilkenny launched Lucky Duck Foundation in 2005, their goal was to serve everyone in need, from people with disabilities to shelter animals. …